COVID-19 Update

They keep fooling around with the hours at my pharmacy. They’re currently looking at 9 am to 7 pm. This means that on Friday I’ll be working 10 am to 7 pm. Let’s see how that works out.

I really need to work harder on my target languages so that if it does drag on for at least 18 months I can work on something that might not kill me, or my dad, or my son. I don’t know if I can get good enough at any of them to work as a translator by then, but let’s give it our best shot.

They’re starting new restrictions on the activity of citizens of San Antonio starting at 11:59 pm tonight. We can only leave our houses for essential or exempted activities. This includes both Alex’s and my jobs, so there’s that. Outdoor recreation is only allowed if we stay more than 6 feet from others participating in outdoor recreation. I walk pretty fast, and I’m pretty sure I can legally pass people on the path. The greenway path, where I measured it, is 10 of my shoe lengths wide. My shoe is about 10 inches wide (I just measured one), so that’s, what, 8 feet? So, I guess that if I cross over to the other side of the path when I’m at least 6 feet behind the person I’m passing and don’t go back over until I’m at least 6 feet in front of the person I’m passing, I’ll be okay.

I really want to know if this is going to lessen the number of people on the streets. I had the day off today and when my dad and I drove through for dinner, traffic didn’t seem appreciably lighter.

I’m trying to isolate Alex and me from my dad to the extent possible while living in the same house. We have our own bedrooms, bathroom, and living area. I bought a bunch of cheap washcloths and we’re using those to dry our hands. I was using the dish soap bottle to wash our hands, but yesterday I bought our own pump bottle of liquid soap so that we aren’t getting our COVID-y hands all over the dish soap bottle. I try to remember to wipe down the doorknob, refrigerator door handle, and light switches daily. Is there anything else that we touch that he touches? I’m sure there’s something, but I can’t think of it right now.

And it’s been brought to my attention that I need to put something like ” As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” somewhere on my page. So I just added a widget to the sidebar that says just that, just in case my usual chatty Gratuitous Amazon Link stuff isn’t “substantially similar” to ” As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”

Speaking of Gratuitous Amazon Links, hmmm. What book series have I posted already? I know I did Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Kane Chronicles. I think I’ve done Young Wizards, too. Have I done Heroes of Olympus yet? Well, just in case I haven’t, here’s the first book: The Lost Hero, by Rick Riordan.

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