I Wrote a Post Yesterday

November 6, 2020 2 of 8

It was mostly about how tired I was.

I worked until 6 yesterday and then got Mila and went to a hotel preparatory to her spay today. I mean, 6:00. That’s still early, right?

Yeah. That’s what I thought. Until yesterday.

I got off work, then grabbed a bag of dog food (spoiler: I didn’t need a bag of dog food) and then met Evelyn at my house.

The vet told me to start fasting her at 8:00 pm and so we had to hurry to get checked in at the hotel we were staying at (so that the dog wouldn’t bother my dad — also it’s been over two years since the last time I stayed in a hotel and I miss it). Then, after all that, Mila wouldn’t eat. I ate dinner while Mila ignored her food. I brought some pasta salad in a disposable container and a fork and I remembered after we left that I put the empty container and the fork in the fridge. I guess I should’ve put it in the car when we took the food down.

I left the food out until 8 and then we went downstairs, I put the food in my car, and we went to the park.

The park was mostly deserted, which freaked me out a bit, so we did one quick turn around the park and went back to the hotel. At the hotel, we explored the floor a while and then returned to our room, where we stayed until time to leave for the vet appointment.

Mila stared out the window pretty much all night, which led me to not get a lot of sleep, either. Overall, she did really well for her first time in a hotel. Clearly she was out of her element, but she didn’t bark at every noise or anything, which I was afraid would happen. If she does become my travel buddy (which is my hope), she’ll do really well, I think.

As for why I ended up redoing last night’s post, well, I composed it on my circa 2012 tablet computer (it might have even been 2011 — I just remember that I had it in Hawaii) in Polaris Office. Apparently, Polaris Office didn’t (maybe still doesn’t) support ctrl+s to save a document. I wrote the first couple of paragraphs, used file->save as to create the document, then pressed ctrl+s to save the document every paragraph. Then, when I came back to pull it up and post it today, it was only the first couple of paragraphs.

I’d given myself 131 words towards NaNoWriMo for the day for that post, which made my projected finish date move to mid-December, and then I lost them. I think I’m okay, though, because the count for NaNoWriMo is cumulative, so the algorithm has probably taken 131 words out of the post I made earlier today (while Mila was at the vet’s) and so everything’s good. I’ll aim for 50,131 anyhow, just in case.

Now, for my Gratuitous Amazon Link (and I still have trouble typing “gratuitous”). I noticed that a lot of the Ms. Marvel comics compilations I have in my Goodreads queue have no read dates. So I’ve been rereading the Ms. Marvel compilations and adding read dates to them. Today, I read the first of the ones without dates — Crushed, by G. Willow Wilson, Mark Waid, Takeshi Miayazawa, Elmo Bondoc, etc. This starts out as the Valentine’s Day issue and goes forward from there.

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