15 Days Until NaNoWriMo

I actually have two ideas for blog post today. I have to be up in a minute, but I thought I’d break ground on at least one of them. I’m posting this right now, and will probably schedule the other for November 1. It won’t count towards my NaNoWriMo word count, but it’ll get it out of the way of my NaNoWriMo countdown.

First, I’m going to work on the idea that got me out of bed in the first place. I was reading Jenny Lawson’s Let’s Pretend This Never Happened*, and she mentions having a “blog sticker.”

And I’m, like, do I need a blog sticker? I mean, it’d be a cool way to advertise, and I do want to grow my audience.

What would it look like? Should I use my header image? Part of my header image? Just write “To Hither and Yon” in a fancy font?

If I use my header image, are the crenelations on top of the San Antonio Museum of Art in the public domain by now? Is architecture one of the types of art that goes into the public domain at some point? How long will it take me to figure this out when all of my initial Google results for “Architecture” and “Public Domain” involve architectural drawings?

And, perhaps most importantly, whatever happened to the disk of Paint Shop Pro 4 that Thomas and I had? If I’m going to do this,** I’d really like to have the tool I used to use for things like this. I also have a mauve dress that I don’t like the color of, so I want to play around with various shades of blue and red to see if I can overdye it a color that I like better. I used to be able to pick and adjust colors really well in PSP4.

And if I ever learn to market this blog in a way that makes it an actual profit center, can I find a way to apply these principles to advance my career in my actual day job? I remember a bunch of the things that Thomas always said about marketing and I bet I can sort of build on that blog-wise. And maybe job-wise, too?

*Non-Gratuitous Amazon Link!

**”This,” right now, is to make a line drawing of just the border and openings of the west tower of the Brewery Bridge (that’s the right-hand side of the header photo) and then, I don’t know. I’ll play with it and see what happens.

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