I’ve Had an Epiphany

Well, sort of.

I just realized that these old photos are good for more than (a) my own curiosity and (b) potential use in YouTube videos.

One of my back-burner kids’ books is a steampunk book about a pair of siblings traveling between San Antonio and Chicago on a train. Why San Antonio and Chicago? Because I’ve lived in both places and so I think I can get more of a feeling of what it’s like to have boots on the ground there, versus, like, Louisville, Kentucky or Billings, Montana or something.

I’ve taken the Amtrak between the two cities twice, so I know where the stops are/were/would be on a train trip.

And I now have a good source of photos showing what things would look like in a steampunk world here. Maybe, just maybe, the people the siblings travel with are visiting the Star Film Ranch south of downtown?

I think I might be on to something here.

I was hoping to use something steampunk-y for my Amazon link today, but I really couldn’t come up with anything, so let’s just keep going chronologically. Today, we have a Gratuitous Amazon Link. Diane Duane grew up on Long Island, which explains why that’s Nita and Kit’s normal stomping grounds in the Young Wizards books. Duane now lives in Ireland, and she nods to her newer home in the fourth book in the series, A Wizard Abroad. I love this whole series, but one of the characters in this just rubbed me the wrong way. He’s a fan favorite, though, and he does grow on me in subsequent books.

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