2 Days Until NaNoWriMo

I had a bad mourning day today. Stupid cat.

Right now, it’s anger. I don’t suppose that Elizabeth Kubler-Ross really expected people to be interpreting her Five Stages of Grief for pet deaths. If she had, she certainly would have considered “guilt” to be one of them. Because I do feel guilty. I feel like I should have noticed . . . something before he got to that point.

I also feel guilty about the loss of one of my cats, oh, 15 years ago. If we do see them on the other side of the “Rainbow Bridge,” I feel like he’ll be angry with me. I’ve been thinking about talking to my vet about it, just to clear the air.

Dammit. Now I’m starting to tear up.

Moving on. I took three bags of books to Half-Price Books and came away with just a little more money than a copy of The Invention of Hugo Cabret* costs. I’ve decided that’s going to be my next steampunk kids’ book to help me in writing my own.

Oh! And speaking of reading and writing, apparently there’s some kind of organzation for book bloggers? Or a club or union or something? That’s something to try to track down in the not-too-distant future.

Today’s Gratuitous Amazon Link looks to be the final of the Gitty Danesvari Ghoulfriends series, Ghoulfriends ‘Til the End.

*Not going to make a Germane Amazon Link out of this yet. I’ll wait until I’ve read it for that.

3 Days Until NaNoWriMo

I removed Deimos’s litter boxes today.

I realized today that the last time I did these things — removing the litter boxes and food and water bowls of a deceased cat, my next cat was one of the loves of my life. So, maybe once I’ve healed up from this loss, amazing feline things await.

Of course, since all cats are best cat, this is entirely likely.

I always said that I wouldn’t subscribe to Audible and would, rather, buy one book at a time. However, I cannot figure out how to buy the audiobook of The Great Hunt *without* subscribing. So, I broke down and subscribed. I have a four-month trail thingy for half-price and I got The Great Hunt* for my free book for the first month. I’m going to pace the purchases of the other 12 Wheel of Time books over that four-month period so that three of them are the ones included in the subscription and I only have to pay for the . . . other . . . nine. Then I’ll cancel my subscription.

Anyway, I only have, like, two and a half hours of The Eye of the World to go, and then I’ll be ready for Eye of the World-related blog posts in November. Yay!

*Germane Amazon Link. Kindle again this time.